
Anigozanthos Project is our marketing brand for the remarkable exotic, species that will flourish in many climates once an established plant. Anigozanthos produce furry, tough flowers in profusion that boast vibrant, long lasting colors, while their long, strappy foliage adds an exotic essence to their picture.

Australian by design, this species can grow with no attention in almost any Mediterranean climate-type, however, we with a little effort; you can successfully grow Kangaroo Paws anywhere! They create a rhizome root structure which is the plants secret to withstanding harsh climates. With over 30 different cultivars, we offer varieties that are perfect in a range of different applications and showcase the most beautiful colours. Take some time to visit our specialized website for the species:


The exotic Anigozanthos loves sunlight and should be placed in a bright spot. How much light? As much as possible, as it makes its’ colors change. As long as night temperature stays above 5°C [41F], plant it outdoors and it will keep flowering until the frost sets in. Anigozanthos is light frost resistance, which means that it can survive outdoors when temperature drops to -5°C [23F] for a few hours. If you expect heavy frost, move your plants to a protected area and return it outdoors when the danger disappears.


You can plant Anigozanthos in your garden in well drained soils. They are very drought hardy, however, extra irrigation at the time of flower bud formation will benefit flowering performance. It’s best to keep the plant moist to encourage new growth, especially when planted in pots, but never leave its roots flooded in water. To help Anigozanthos thrive in your garden, cut old flowering stems back to their base to tidy up the plant and encourage repeat flowering. Remove any dead stems from the base of the shoot. New shoots will appear from underground rhizomes. Older plants will benefit by the annual removal of any damaged leaves.