Salvia breeding program

Few years ago we teamed-up with famous Salvia-Guru specialist Eleftherios Dariotis and decided to start making crossings within species of the great Salvia genus. It took us some time but, in the end, we gathered more than 150 different species of Salvia genus from all around the world in our facilities and started crossing them. Carefully chosen cultivars, crossed between each other gave unique offspring almost ready to hit the market.

Consumer’s experience is the core of our Breeding efforts! Easy to care and to maintain varieties, characterized by their unique flowering, attractive compact habits, disease tolerance and garden performance are the goals of our breeding journey. We place a high priority on expertise and dedication to excellence, keeping our eyes on what the market really needs! 

Today, we have a team of four full-time employees engaged in breeding activities and joint breeding programs with Agricultural University of Athens. We are involved in the whole process from the research and development, the motherstock and to the final products intended for professional growers. 

Kalantzis Plants believes in innovation. We constantly force ourselves to improve our methods, knowledge, sustainable technologies and range of plants. Contact us to learn more about our varieties.