
Once you learn more about the whole genus of Salvia, you can only fell in love with them! There are almost one thousand species in this group which offer such a variation of color, shape and foliage. Their color range is outstanding from blue to lilac, from white to dark red and creamy yellow to dark orange. All have nectar-rich flowers that attract pollinators and bring your garden to life.

We grow a big range of greggii varieties and some of them have been bred by our team. Our great group of salvias include almost all important Mediterranean species (officinalis, pomifera, fruticosa, ringens etc), many farinacea, nemerosa and some specialties we will soon be able to present for the first time!


Place salvias to direct sunlight or partly shaded area. Their colors are more impressive under full sun and high intensity of light limits their vigorous growth, resulting in a more compact shape. Most of our salvias can easily stand light frost and some of them can survive even -10oC once established.


Easy to grow, easy to maintain plants. Water regularly but make sure they don’t stand on wet feet. Don’t hesitate to cut them back heavily to maintain desirable size. Once the tropical species start flowering, they don’t stop decorating your garden until the first frost.